My Vaca Post

Check this post often slaves… Ill be updating it over the next couple weeks! enjoy the pics and vids… (newest will be at the bottom)
NEW Pics AUG 14 / (new pics @ the bottom Aug 17)








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Below is at White Rock… My fav place in/around Van so far…


Above is my painful attempt at skim boarding… and I mean painful!!! between the rocks and be eating sand and falling off every time haha whatevs in the end I won and rode my skim board fr a whole second! woohoo 🙂


Above is one of my fav pics… Instant water babe!!! Iv always said how much I dont like the water, but I cant seem to stay out of it… Iv taken a HUGE liking to the water and this week Iv discovered “boarding” and I must say.. Im pretty good for a newbi!


This is the little strip in front of the beach which you can buy the best onion rings ever!!!

20120817-082224.jpgHello VEGAN food right on the beach?!?! Served by a very friendly bi racial boy… white rock gets 2 thumbs up!


So here I am on my second paddle boarding session that day… the 1st one was almost 2 hours in which my instructor kindly told me the waters were very rough and hadnt been that crazy in weeks – I wasnt impressed as we were half way to the pier at this point and the waves were getting a bit much for my liking… “Ride the waves, paddle in the waves, bla bla bla” says my sadistic instructor – and of course Id fall again… “haha woohoo now get back on” my instructor would yell” and I would… one hour later we made it to the pier and it was clear calm waters as I was promised… By now in the calm waters I felt like a fucking pro… so we went under the dock and looked at crabs and starfish… I didnt know starfish were hard with little tenticle things…

ANYWAY… about 2 hours later we made it back and I didnt have enough… so I said “wanna go again?” and my instructor was like “hell yeah” So we went for a drink and some food and then went back out for almost 3 hours… OMFG what an amazing journy that one was… this time we went a different way and ended up in an opening and went in it which lead to a big huge long beautiful lake… and it was nothing but bush with eagles, gray herrings and other random wild life on either side of us…The second time out I felt like i had been boarding for years… okay maybe not years but much longer than a day! 🙂 I was turning, stopping and had decent control of the board! Though I must say, paddling against the current fkin sucks!

(((Almost 5 hours paddle boarding on my first day learning – and thats not pissing around in front of the sand… I was fucking OUT TO SEA baby! lol)


I almost forgot what colour I am until I looked in the mirror before I hopped in the shower… jebus my poor boobies need some sun too!



here I am in Surrey which lives up to its reputation… its a bit dingey looking everywhere, people dont seem overly nice and I also got sucked into the WORST gel nail job iv ever had in my life… I wont even show pictures of my nail job (though if youre really curious how gross the nail job were, I posted a pic on twitter)… BUT I did get some cool henna…(Now I hate the henna and it wont wash off ffs!)





slaves… its been a very pricey vaca and I still have another sexy fun week to go!!! TRIBUTE TRIBUTE TRIBUTE!

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