Hypnotized while learning hypnosis

You quickly end up being hypnotized /mesmerized while learning all about it… oops, it this educational entrancing video which was designed to teach out how easily controlling your mind is, and as a result of how powerful the words you hear are..ends up slipping you into an entranced state.

There are two layers to this clip… if you TRY to pay attention to the things I say, you will learn the mechanics of hypnosis and realize the magical act that makes you slip away..

The only problem is when you focus on the things I say, its very effect mind fucks you into a state of being in a trance..

You will enjoy this clip the more you watch it as it will take many times to make it through each minute without being caught in a trance… the only problem is I’ve also left triggers and brainwashing commands so the more you listen, the deeper you go, and the more My suggestions set in!

8:20 / minutes /

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