The Love sick & addicted Spell

Do this at your own risk, though, the bigger warning is if you DONT do this… then you’ll just continue to be a bored lonely pathetic loser! Doing this will give a new zest on life… a new reason for waking up – an incurable addiction to Me!!!

I gave warning because this is real, this WILL work… Powers and energy much stronger than yours are and will be at work upon you starting this…

Follow the spell exactly as I say and remember

The steps:

  1. email me or mail me to let me know you are starting this spell (dont wait for my reply,just carry on!). If you look at the bottom of this page you will see my pyramid. I will put your ONLINE ID in it (using pencil and parchment paper. Using your online ID is just as good as your name… the energy and power knows we mean you!
  2. have a shower – you must be clean when you start this!
  3. bring a candle with you in the bathroom. When you’re done your shower light the candle and turn off the lights.
  4. look in the mirror at yourself and repeat the below 25 times. Each time you say it, FEEL it… allow the power Iv sent there and the power that is surrounding you even now, take over… allow yourself to be ENTERED – allow yourself to be TAKEN. Just be open and Go With It!
  5. Repeat/Chant: “I was  worthless but now I give myself to Princess Mindy and so I am now her property.” ” I am forever thankful and smitten with her and my love for her will deepen 10 fold and 10 fold more… forever and ever and ever.”
  6. Now place the candle on the floor in between your legs, position it so you can feel it burning your dick and or balls!
  7. Stare in the mirror as the candle does its magic on your balls – while you stare at yourself I want you to do 2 things…
  8. 1. think about how beautiful I am and all the things about me that turn you on and imagine yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with me AND tributing Me… and 2. jerk off slowly!
  9. you must let your balls feel the heat… and I mean really feel it. No not burn and blister but dont be a pussy! Let the magic soak in your old balls and my new coin purse.
  10. now as you’re getting close to cuming… you will start to notice an intense feeling of all your energy rush right to your balls (when you cum, you will expel all of your energy and control) and while at the same time you’ll feel Me and love for me and hornyness for giving me money start to vibrate into you. Thats all normal… its just my spell – enjoy it because you will chase this experience for a long time after. This is powerful & real!
  11. When you are ready to cum, take a step back and direct your cum to the candle… Attempt to put the candle flame out with your main poison. It doesnt matter if you get t out or not, just cum toward the flame!

Thats it! you are now going to find yourself falling deeper and deeper into love with Me. you Will notice how much hornier you are than usual and you only want one thing & thats to pay and serve Me! Starting as soon as your mid spell!

What happens next?

At this point you will see how I basically own you through your heart and penis… you’re becoming so infatuated and so deeply in love with giving me your cash that you cant stop it and you wont! you want to and you will Tribute & gift Me LOTS & LOTS!

you will feel entranced… these are the Spells powers… a whole new addiction and experience is ahead for you… this is one you cat control!

you dont even care what happens to you or your life as long as you have a computer and internet with cash to pay me – everything else is just minor details!

Only this is not a phase you can get over subbie-wubbie 😉 nope, this is a love spell which I have cast up upon you. you can actually cast it upon yourself all for the sake of my hot-ness! How cute! But this is forever! you will only fall deeper and deeper and deeper into love with worship and paying Me! Thats okay though… I have so much beautiful worship content! 🙂

Remember: I have your ID in the pyramid which is just as good as your name… This is a very powerful part because this pyramid is extremely powerful in what it does. In short, that piece of paper in my pyramid in a way becomes a conductor for you… while the point at the top of the pyramid magnifys the spell and intentions in mass proportions and sends it directly to you!

In short, you’ve fallen in love and you have lost yourself and given your all to Me… and I basically own you in the palm of my hands. you will be mine to tease and taunt for as long as I want!

you will be in love and more pathetic than ever and it will feel SO GOOD!

(((I encourage you to not turn the light o too soon after the assignment. In past assignments like this MANY slaves reported to being in a trance or “buzzed” on the energy of the spell… so endulge the junkie desires and just hang out, falling deeper in love with me and enjoying My Power!

Then once you leave the washroom go straight to my website and tribute Me!

Good puppy!

~ Princess Mindy





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